10 Year Reading Plan

2023: Piranesi - I almost forgot about this one! Inspired by Aamina’s most recent blog post, this book seems like the type of book you could read and end up talking about for weeks because of how much there
is to unpack. So basically, it’s the perfect book for summer.
2024: When Breath Becomes Air - I hope to work in the health field one day, but I know I
have much to learn about both the best and worst qualities of a health profession. Reading this book will help me realize what I’m getting myself into, hopefully somewhat preparing me for the absolute monstrosity that graduate school will be!

2025: Truly Devious (series) - Technically this isn’t just one book, but it’s a series I started many years ago and I want to eventually finish it.

2026: Crying in H Mart - I have heard many of my friends talk highly of this book, and I want to incorporate more authors with an Asian background into my reading routine.

2027: On the Origin of Species - Odd choice, I know. But I feel like since I have proclaimed myself to be absolutely obsessed with genetics for the majority of high school, I owe it to scientific history to read this revolutionary book…even though Darwin was low-key close-minded and wrong about a lot.
2028: On the Come Up - I read The Hate U Give when I was younger, and I always wanted to read more books by the same author, as well.

2029: Pachinko - I recently read a book by the same author, and I love her writing. I want to explore more titles written by her and understand her way of writing better.

2030: A Little Life - I’ve heard this book being raved about all over the internet, and I’ve seen it in just about every bookstore I’ve been in for the past couple months (which is literally just the Barnes and Noble that is now closed on a handful of distantly spaced occasions). Nevertheless, it seems interesting and a little heartbreaking too (am I a masochist?)

2031: Atomic Habits - Recently, I’ve been reading “The Happiness Advantage” as recommended by a friend, and IT IS SO GOOD so I’m on a bit of a “self-help” book surge, and I’ve heard (from the very trustworthy source that is Pinterest) that “Atomic Habits” is life-changing.

2032: Wuthering Heights - Possibly inspired by the fact that Mrs. Knudson just recommended this book to our whole class, Wuthering Heights is a title I have heard of but never actually ventured to read. I’m not sure if it is classified as a classic, but it seems to have a lot of merit, and that is something I am trying to include more and more into my reading schedule.


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