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Step on the rose-tinted glasses...we all need a reality check.

When I was in high school, my only goal was to get into college. More specifically, I wanted to attend the University of Michigan. Now that I am here, I am faced with figuring out what I want my future to look like. For the first time in my life, my goal does not feel concrete. Most recently -- as I'm sure you can understand from the fact that I haven't written in about a week -- my mental health hasn't been great. I'll go into detail in a little bit, but you get the gist. School is hard. Being pre-med is even harder. And trying to do both at the University of Michigan feels impossible most of the time. Because of this, I've decided (and by "decided" I mean that I've strongly considered) taking a gap year. Let's unpack how it happened.  Three weeks ago, I had my second exam for orgo, and despite the fact that I came out of that exam feeling confident about how I had done, I was still an emotional wreck. In the days that would follow, I would have s

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